Welcome to my Django Blog Project !
Hello and welcome to my coding spot! My name is Jose and I am currently a coding student.
This blog is part of my learning journey and it is my first full stack project.
As a coding student, I am constantly learning new things and tackling challenges. I am excited to share my experiences and insights with all of you on this blog.
Here, you can expect to find posts about my journey as a coding student, including my progress, challenges, and successes. I will also be sharing coding tips, resources, and tutorials that have helped me along the way.
I hope that by sharing my experiences and knowledge, I can help others who are also learning to code and pursuing a career in technology.
I hope to not only document my own progress, but also provide helpful resources and tips for other coding students or anyone interested in learning how to code.
Thank you for joining me on this journey!
By joseguerra on Tue 29 Nov 2022Last updated 2 years, 1 month ago